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The Virginia Beach Chorale rehearses every Monday night from 7:00-9:30 p.m., August to mid-December and January to mid-May, at Thalia United Methodist Church,

4321 Virginia Beach Boulevard,

Virginia Beach, 23452


Auditions for the Virginia Beach Chorale are held  in August and January.

The audition consists of:

  •  a vocal range test,

  •  16 measures of a prepared solo in any genre, and

  •  a brief sight-reading exercise.

The audition committee will observe your

  • voice quality,

  • tone,

  • intonation,

  • diction & articulation,

  • breath control, and

  • stage presence,


Please note: the ability to read music is an important component of membership.


Please bring two copies of your musical selection, one for you to use and one for our accompanist. 

Spring 2022 Auditions

Auditions for the Virginia Beach Chorale's next concert season will take place on:


We have openings in all voice parts. Please note that all singers will need to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination to participate in the Virginia Beach Chorale.

Auditions for the Fall 2025 season will be held on Sunday, August 24, beginning at 2:00 pm at Thalia United Methodist Church.

If you were previously a member who has taken off one year or more, you must sign up for an audition time slot to be revoiced only. You will not need to sight sing. Come with a prepared solo. 


If you have missed only one season (fall or spring), you do not need to revoice. Simply email to let us know you're returning so that we can purchase sufficient quantities of music.

Reciprocal Membership

If you have auditioned and been accepted to any of the following:

  • Virginia Opera

  • Virginia Chorale

  • Symphonicity Chorus

  • VSO Chorus

  • Visual and Performing Arts Academy at Salem High School (vocal strand), or the

  • Governor's School for the Arts (vocal track)

you are eligible for reciprocal membership without an audition. Simply fill out the form here. You can also contact Claudette Collins at for more information. You are welcome to reach out at any time. 

All new members are to attend the New Member Orientation at 6 p.m. on Monday,  August 25, in the choir room at Thalia UMC, 4321 Virginia Beach Boulevard. Rehearsals begin at 7:00 p.m. and end at 9:30 p.m.

Audition Information
Audition Registration

Audition Registration


The Virginia Beach Chorale is recognized as one of southeastern Virginia’s longest-tenured performing arts ensemble.  Founded in 1958, it's rich history includes performances with the United States Atlantic Fleet Band, Symphonicity, The Tenors, and Kenny Rogers.

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The Virginia Beach Chorale is a non-profit organization that relies on the generous donations of people, businesses, and organizations to complete it's musical mission.  Find out how you can help.


This project is supported in part by the

Virginia Commission for the Arts and the

National Endowment for the Arts.
Financial statements are available from the State Division of Consumer Affairs, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, P. O. Box 1163, Richmond, VA 23218

© 2020 by Virginia Beach Chorale. All Rights Reserved.

Last update: March 25, 2025
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